Parental Alienation 911
Jill Egizii and Family Law Judge Michele Lowrance have teamed together to create the workbook “Parental Alienation 911,” which is a compilation of research, expert interviews and solutions to apply to real cases. Jill is an alienated mother and the President of the Parental Alienation Awareness Organization, and Michele has been a Domestic Relations Judge since 1995 and frequently appears on nationally syndicated TV and...
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Child Support In Paternity Cases
By Daniel Lambert Cordell & Cordell Family Law Attorney Each state will have its own laws and regulations governing paternity and child support. Where I practice, child support is set in paternity actions pursuant to each party’s income and the placement/visitation schedule awarded to each party. Child support only becomes effective through an order of the court. If there is no court order for child...
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False Allegations Of Domestic Violence
When it comes to domestic violence awareness, most of the attention is paid to abused women. But readers of know all too well how prevalent domestic violence against men is. You also know how false allegations of abuse are being used against you, primarily for strategic legal reasons. discussed the issue of domestic violence against men in divorce and child custody cases with...
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A Case Study: Stopping Child Support While Incarcerated
By Sara Pitcher Cordell & Cordell Noblesville, Indiana Divorce Lawyer Incarceration may be grounds for modifying your child support obligation. Your modified child support obligation would likely be based on your actual income while you are incarcerated, including any funds available to you for paying support. The Indiana Supreme Court case of Lambert v. Lambert stated that the father’s pre-incarceration income could not be imputed...
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Options For Law Enforcement When Ex-Wife Denies Visitation
Fathers Rights To Visitation Question: My ex-wife and I live on different coasts of the country. We are expected to split transportation costs when my children come live with me for several weeks a few times a year. Obviously it is not cheap, and my ex-wife is refusing to make travel arrangements because she said she cannot afford the travel expenses. So I agreed to...
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Grandparents Rights To Visitation
It’s not uncommon for a grandparent’s access to their grandchildren to be thwarted by divorce and even family disputes. The issue of grandparents’ rights to visitation was recently heard by the Alabama Supreme Court in a case where the grandparents’ rights were declined even when the grandchild’s parents were still married. The married couple denied the grandparents’ access to the child on account of a...
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Japan: The “Black Hole” For Abducted Children
Japan is called “a black hole” where once abducted children enter, they never return. No one knows this painful reality better than Paul Toland, a left-behind parent whose daughter, Erika, was abducted to Japan in 2003 and has been held there since. Toland is a commander in the U.S. Navy, has testified before Congress (pictured) on this issue, and co-founded the organization Bring Abducted Children...
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The Man Behind New Jersey Alimony Reform
With men representing 97% of alimony payors, alimony reform has become a key mens rights issue. States such as Massachusetts have already enacted sweeping alimony reform, while others, including New Jersey, are in the preliminary stages of updated archaic alimony laws. Republican Assemblyman Sean Kean is one of the driving forces behind alimony reform in New Jersey. His resolution calling for the creation of a...
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8 Ways A Restraining Order Can Affect You
By Sarah Long Attorney Restraining orders, also known as protective orders or orders of protection, are better known as tactical nuclear weapons in family law cases. A system that was designed to protect against abuse is itself being abused. The misuse of restraining orders by women when going through a divorce is one of the more prevalent and unfortunate trends in family law. This is...
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Paternity Laws: Overcoming Putative Father Presumption
Paternity Laws Question: My wife and I are getting divorced. She is pregnant with another man’s baby and will probably have the baby before our divorce is final. What do I need to do to protect myself against having to pay child support for the child that is not biologically mine, but will likely be born while I am married to the child’s mother? Do...
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