In the cases of men facing the prospect of a divorce, they can sometimes feel defeated before any semblance of a fight begins. Some head into the process with the understanding that they may very well lose their shirts to a system that will assume that because they are the man, they must be the primary earners and pay alimony. They feel devastated when looking...
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When paternity is in question, it can send families into a spiral. Many couples find themselves divorcing over the mere question of whether or not the child is the husband’s. For unmarried men, who may or may not be the father of the child in question, the legal road is a bit more challenging. It is important for unmarried fathers to be proactive when establishing...
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When marital problems begin and the storm of negativity and tension makes it look like a divorce may be on the horizon, there are a million different things that a guy in that position has to sort out. Whether it is the custody issues, the financial aspect, or the division of assets, there suddenly becomes a lot of facets to sort through in a very...
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