Whether you are a man or a woman, you hopefully remember the importance your father had in your life, if he was present. He may have helped you ride a bike for the first time or helped you learn new concepts in math class, but no matter what came along, you knew he would be there for you when you needed him. Whether you knew...
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The moment that your wife comes into the room and says the words, “We need to talk,” everything changes. Once the word “divorce” is mentioned, nothing can be the way that it was, and for your wife, that is what she wants, leaving you to pick up the pieces and figure out your own future. That means dealing with the uncertainty of the situation. When...
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After a divorce, you may feel like you have been buried underneath a significant amount of problems. You have to deal with the fact that half of your assets are no longer there. You may be settled with paying alimony and child support and may be forced to cut costs and spending, in order to stabilize your finances. You may have to deal with no...
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With men facing the prospect of divorce, there can be a certain amount of fear attached with the experience. Not only does this mean you are no longer with the person you promised to love and cherish forever, but with the division of assets and the responsibilities of alimony and child support that are often ascribed to men, you may be facing a dire financial...
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For men, the idea of receiving alimony can seem like a foreign concept. Regardless of which spouse earned the most money in the marriage, many men entering the divorce experience resign themselves to the fact that they will be paying alimony. The financial expectations of men in a marriage can be so steep, that if a marriage ends, the financial ramifications can leave many men...
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Fathers face child custody issues outside of the court. Even after the divorce decree, child custody agreement, and parenting plan all are finalized, many noncustodial fathers face challenges connecting with their children after the dust settles. Some children can feel like because Mom got custody and they live primarily at Mom’s house, they should be loyal to Mom, which means not connecting with Dad on...
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