By Caroline Cordell Editor, The men’s rights movement is, on the basic level, a movement that seeks fairness for men in scenarios where women are presumed to have the advantage. Specifically, our website focus on men’s rights in the law because in almost every courtroom women have an inherent advantage. The concept of “men’s rights” gets members of both genders riled up for often...
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By Sarah J. Merry Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer If you have recently decided to seek a divorce from your spouse, or are contemplating doing so, you undoubtedly have questions about what you should or should not do with respect to your assets, debts, and household expenses. You should always ask your family law attorney for advice on these matters, however, these general divorce finance...
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Tax season is quickly approaching, and for divorced men, this can be even more stressful than usual because of alimony, or maintenance, payments and child support. You thought that you had survived the worst part of the year, the holidays, when the effects of your divorce are at their highest point. Finally you don’t have to worry about which days you will be able to...
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By Tara N. Brewer During divorce proceedings, it’s quite difficult to divide assets without the accurate amount. Some troubled couples tend to hide money from each other to avoid sharing it in divorce. If one person solely handles the household’s financial affairs, it’s easier to hide assets. According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 31% of U.S. adults who combined assets with a spouse...
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By Sara Pitcher Cordell & Cordell Noblesville, Indiana Divorce Lawyer Incarceration may be grounds for modifying your child support obligation. Your modified child support obligation would likely be based on your actual income while you are incarcerated, including any funds available to you for paying support. The Indiana Supreme Court case of Lambert v. Lambert stated that the father’s pre-incarceration income could not be imputed...
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Fathers Rights Question: My wife and I are currently separated, but the divorce has not been finalized, and she is denying my visitation rights to my children. We have no child custody agreement and no child support agreement, however I have been paying her money for the past year. This past month I didn’t have money to pay her so she has denied me from...
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One of the more visible issues challenging father’s rights is that most men who are behind on child support are not unwilling to pay; they are unable to pay. And yet courts across the country continue to jail fathers for their inability to pay. The article “Child Support: The ‘Deadbeat Dad’ Predicament” examined the issue of jailing “deadbeat dads,” but this article looks at a...
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With the unemployment rate at 8.5 percent nationally, and the underemployment rate fluctuating around the 19 percent mark, divorced dads who fit into either of these categories are still being hauled off to jail in handcuffs for failure to pay child support. The issue with jailing so-called “deadbeat dads” is more often than not Dad is not a criminal; he is just broke. The Sixth...
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Some of the most popular articles on deal with the facts and figures of discrimination against men and fathers that are so often overlooked by society and mainstream media. This list of fathers rights facts is provided by the Father’s Rights Council of Georgia, an organization dedicated to helping fathers learn their rights, use their rights, and build productive unhindered relationships with their children.
After establishing, enforcing, and collecting child support orders for several years before joining Cordell & Cordell, I have gotten to know the ins and outs of the child support system very well. I have also heard probably every excuse under the sun for not paying or not wanting to pay child support, and the stark reality is the vast majority of men do not receive...
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