Paternity laws are notorious for being unfair toward men as outlined in our series of articles focusing on state laws that are particular harsh toward men. We’ve already examined Illinois laws, where without a court order regarding custody or visitation, a father has no legal right to see his child though he is responsible to provide financial support to the child. In Texas, the laws...
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The Men’s Rights series of articles focusing on state laws that are particularly harsh on men and fathers brings us to Illinois. The paternity laws in Illinois are definitely skewed in favor of the mother. Even if a father signs a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity, which is an acknowledgement that he is the legal father of the child, the acknowledgement form specifically states that it...
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As a reader of the Men’s Rights website, you are well aware that states have laws that are particularly unfair toward men and fathers with most dealing with paternity. In a series of articles, Men’s Rights features several states whose laws are particularly harsh on men. In Texas, one particular law that puts fathers at a disadvantage comes from the Texas Family Code’s section on...
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