You just want to start over. You just want to end your unhappy and dysfunctional marriage. You just want to remain an active and loving part of your child’s life. You just want a fair settlement and custodial rights. All of these wants sometimes find themselves superseded by the need to defend yourself in family court. Many times, fathers find themselves having to defend themselves...
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As a divorced father, you are keenly aware of the role you fill in your child’s life. You are aware of the custody agreement in place and how much parenting time you have. You know how your child feels about you, and you love them enough to do anything it takes to maintain that role in their life. However, in cases of high conflict, you...
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When you are going through the complications of the divorce process, you sometimes can feel that the deck is stacked against you, and you are not sure why. You may have a good and stable job. You may be able to provide your child with just as loving and stable of a home as your co-parent. You may have behaved like a perfect gentleman during...
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When you know you are about to experience a divorce, there is a range of emotions that you experience that may cloud your more rational ways of thinking. While those emotions are important and should be handled in a constructive and healthy method, those rational thoughts regarding your financial future are too important to ignore. Your future is on the line, and without taking the...
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After a divorce, the parent-child relationship may have changed. The parent may not have the opportunity to see them as often as the parent may like, and as a result of the physical distance, emotional distance can develop. When that emotional distance exists at the same time as a co-parent alienating the children from you, it can be devastating for parent and damaging for the...
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In family courts, it is not always easy making the best impression. Men can find themselves facing an uphill battle, in their efforts to establish custodial footing. In an effort to be the parent that their child needs, they can often find themselves vulnerable to an opposing party, willing to reveal any and all skeletons that may exist in a man’s closet. Part of this...
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